
Showing posts from July, 2020

Digital Piracy - Effects and steps taken to curb it

The innovative improvements that have occurred in the most recent decades have cultivated a critical market for the working and functioning of PC's: the software market. As the industry has developed it has faced some market issues, particularly amongst them piracy, which impacts primarily the organizations or companies that are responsible for the development of this software.  What is piracy to be exact? Well piracy is the unauthorized replication of content which is protected by copyright laws, which is then either sold for a lesser price on the ‘grey’ market or uploaded online on pirate sites which host 1000’s of these kinds of files for free. The reason ‘piracy’ is always on debate is because the calculated outcome of various reports and papers points to a negative impact, due to piracy, on the economic growth but only up to a certain limit. If on the other hand, losses of an independent company are taken, then the impact is positive up to a certain period.  Why do people...

Basic Comparison of Labour Laws - INDIA vs. BRAZIL

It is a widespread misconception that an employee has no or very minimal rights as compared to that of the employer and that the employer may treat their employee as they wish [1] . To ensure such a thing doesn't happen, there are laws that have been put into place to ensure that employee’s are not treated as ' worker bees' [2] . Along with certain other welfare measures that are introduced which ensure employees can enjoy a reasonable standard of living both in employment and after retirement. These laws which are present there to protect the rights and dignity of the employees are know as Labour Laws.  Labour law is also referred to as employment law; as such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions their employers and employees. In simpler words, Labour law '' defines the rights and obligations of workers, union members and employers in the workplace'' .  The elements and characteristics of Labour Law are somewhat less homogene...